

Graphic design is both amazing and terrifying. I absolutely love it. Check out tips surrounding business strategy, illustration tricks and personal annicdotes. In other news: laughter fuels me, along with sunsets, British Reality TV and breakfast food.

Low light Sample Photos for Fujifilm tx20

Purchasing Research

Before we purchase anything, my husband and I (really I) do a TON of research. I watch YouTube videos, read blogs and read endless Amazon/eBay reviews. I can’t get enough research.

Mirrorless Camera Test Photos

But in looking to purchase a new camera for our upcoming European Extravaganza it was hard to find test photos or sample photos of many mirrorless cameras. I wanted to see how each camera performed in regular settings, low light settings and more. Of course there is instagram; but I didn’t feel like I was actually getting the real shots. So many instagram photos are edited so much in post. I didn’t trust them.

Fujifil tx20 Sample Photos

I could not be more happy with the Fujifilm tx20. Maybe I’ll do a review soon, but check below for true low light shots with little post editing in Lightroom. Let me know if you want a camera review in the comments below!!

With this camera, I think there are so many possibilities.