

Graphic design is both amazing and terrifying. I absolutely love it. Check out tips surrounding business strategy, illustration tricks and personal annicdotes. In other news: laughter fuels me, along with sunsets, British Reality TV and breakfast food.

How to Grow from Criticism


There are so many things to be inspired by

We are inundated with beautiful things on Instagram, Pinterest, Dribbble, and more. There are so many graphics to get inspired by, blog tutorials to learn from. But, sadly, it can be problematic. The more we search for our next inspiration, the more we get inundated with all the perfectly organized colors and well balanced typography. We aren’t able to see behind the screen of the artists, bloggers or influencers as they are creating their masterpiece. Let me tell you—they are struggling too. And I don’t just tell myself that in hopes it will make the knots in my back disappear or my little anxiety spats go away. It’s so true. I truly believe the difference between the successful artists and the career dreamers is their sole ability to grow from criticism; furthermore, to only take the critiques from people they respect and disregard the rest.

Start slow

Currently, I make about two unique designs on average every day. The ideation process starts always with searching the internet for inspiration. Most days that the shortest part of the process because I take an idea and run with it; others searching on the internet gets the best of me. My self talk talks me down a rabbit hole and I am not able to get myself off the “self-critical” edge. It can be so difficult.

try these four steps to increase personal critical thinking

To master the thinking that I can, in fact, create a beautiful work of art I go through 4 steps.

Learn how to grow from criticism with 4 easy tasks. Why it's important for graphic designers, artists and the like to make sure they are leaning from others in healthy and filling ways rather than ways that kill their inspiration and work. tutorial …
  1. Close all web browsers + clear mind. The first step aims to not only center your mind, however you do that best, but to remind yourself where you are. You are literally making a graphic in front of a computer (or on a piece of paper). Remind yourself what city you’re in and where you’re sitting/standing. Even the attempt alone is something to be proud of.

  2. Think about past project improvements. There are projects you have done in the past that you have loved/hated. Think about areas you can grow from those projects. I seem to always want to improve my colors. Or maybe you want to improve your use of type? Think about what people have said about your work. Really take their opinion into consideration. If they didn’t love your symmetry or use of larger strokes, make mental notes of it.

  3. Self affirmation. Now slowly concentrate on the positive points from last projects and let your mind wonder to reflect on the positive aspects of yourself. Remind yourself of who you are at your core. I know this sounds hokey and meditative. But it really pumps me up. I tend to pick a “Power Playlist” during this time filled with songs I loved when I was in middle school or songs that carry female powerhouse voices. 

  4. Doodle. Stay away from the computer and just doodle. Let your mind go. Draw your favorite location, the view from your window or your favorite character from a Disney movie. It doesn’t need to be artistically inclined. I know so many of us graphic designers don’t draw very well, but we are all creative. There is something that unleashes when we get pencil to paper. It opens our minds to a more free flowing creative space. 

Do more than your work

When I was younger, I felt my feelings so deeply I took absolutely everything anyone said to heart. I was so emotional. Now, I think it’s a strength, but only because I’ve crafted my art of feeling. I care so much about my projects, it’s also really important to keep distance from them. It’s important to have a life outside of work. I’ve noticed that when I am excited to make dinner, workout, or clean after work (away from the computer screen) the balance in my life increases and I’m able to remove myself from the unhealthy talk of work. It’s important to care, but don’t take everything to heart. Make sure your emotional strength doesn't take you down.

Make sure to seek feedback

Lastly, to be able to grow from critical thinking from others and critiques from yourself, you have to ask for feedback concerning your work. You have to hear people say they don’t like what you did. You have to tell yourself you don’t love the latest draft of your work. Having friends who are designers is key because so many people won’t tell you what they don’t like; they just tell you what they love. Be OKAY with people loving you enough to tell you how you can improve. It’s going to be so much better for you in the long run.

I’d love to hear what you think about criticism or how you draw inspiration. There are so many more ways. This is just what I do, it’s not the best and it’s not the “correct” way. I want to grow too!! Let me know. :)